You have a Toolbox in your hands!

Welcome to your box of disruptive tools for efficiently linking unique physical objects!
Incorporate state-of-the-art technology to secure physical objects.

You’ve scanned a QR code that transports you to the future!

In the TOOLBOX, you will find the necessary information on how to place it. Follow the instructions.

Carefully remove the NFC CHIP from the Toolbox and place it on the back of your artwork.

Peel off the holographic VOID label from the Toolbox and place it over the NFC CHIP, covering it entirely.

To link the NFC chip, you will need to download the Tokenizart NFC App, where you can also browse galleries and manage collections.

Please note that prior to linking the NFC, you will need to generate a technical sheet for the object.

To link the NFC chip, you will need to download the Tokenizart NFC App, where you can also browse galleries and manage collections.

Please note that prior to linking the NFC, you will need to generate a technical sheet for the object.

Upon this action, a unique ID will be generated for your work/object on the blockchain, ensuring its uniqueness and facilitating future certifications or holistic data you may add, such as Certificates of Authenticity issued by the author (COA) and others.

Rest assured that Tokenizart has streamlined the process to make data loading quick and easy. You don’t need to have prior knowledge of blockchain or own/use wallets or cryptocurrencies.

If you are not yet a Tokenizart user, enter ‘Atelier‘ by pressing this button below.


Atelier is our platform where the magic happens. Complete the data you want to be linked with, and you will receive an instant email to conclude the registration process.

Automatically, a wallet will be generated for you at no cost, ensuring your connection as a user.

If you want to use a wallet you already own, you can connect it.

Now you can generate a technical data sheet for the work, create the ID that will identify it, and link the NFC chip you have attached to it. It’s important to note that to generate the ID (tokenization of the work/creating NFT), you must have Vouchers.

The same applies to link the NFC device or generate “Certify” (placing the circles that identify each action).

The Toolbox may have come into your hands because you purchased a “Starter Kit” (Toolbox that, in addition to the NFC chip and VOID label, contains a code that will activate an allocation of predefined Vouchers); or you may have received it by previously purchasing Vouchers that have already been credited to your user.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Tokenizart DOES NOT sell Toolboxes separately, allowing you to perform actions with Vouchers that are marketed and delivered online, which you must enter in the e-commerce.

Toolboxes that are not Starter Kits are sent. They do not have a cost for their commercialization and can only be used through the action or Voucher called ‘NFC Linking.’


The same applies to link the NFC device or generate “Certify” (placing the circles that identify each action).

The Toolbox may have come into your hands because you purchased a “Starter Kit” (Toolbox that, in addition to the NFC chip and VOID label, contains a code that will activate an allocation of predefined Vouchers); or you may have received it by previously purchasing Vouchers that have already been credited to your user.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tokenizart DOES NOT sell Toolboxes separately, allowing you to perform actions with Vouchers that are marketed and delivered online, which you must enter in the e-commerce.

Toolboxes that are not Starter Kits are sent. They do not have a cost for their commercialization and can only be used through the action or Voucher called ‘NFC Linking.’

TokenizArt on your Mobile!

Download the TokenizArt App from the App Store and start tokenizing artworks!